How precious are Your thoughts to me, O LORD ... how vast is the sum of them!

Friday, November 30, 2012

Kindred Keyboard Conversations

Many of you have probably already seen this, but for those of you who haven’t, I have a link for you to check out: Reader Interview: Kelsey Bryant! I’ve had the immense pleasure of being interviewed by Elizabeth Kaiser, a wonderfully sweet young authoress I met online. She has a very fun blog where the discussions run about all things writer-ly; her blog was one of the first that I ever followed. She put out a call for interviews some time ago, both for readers and for writers, so I “volunteered” for both. She’s interviewed others, as well, and each one is so interesting! It’s fascinating to hear from all these different people and their unique perspectives on life and literary matters.

I was absolutely thrilled about these interviews because I’ve never done one before. I like answering questions, but this was my chance to really nail down my (current) philosophy on reading and writing and craft something fun and informative, with the help of Elizabeth’s intriguing questions. I had my mom and an editor-friend read both before I sent off my answers because I wanted them just right.

There are so many great blogs out there. I feel blessed to have found a community of young homeschool or homeschool-graduate writers who have pretty much the same goals as I do: to write the best books we can, to read as many classics as we can, and above all to glorify the Lord in everything we do! I have been so impressed and encouraged by the “blogging lives” of these young people and I wish them every success and happiness. Three cheers for them all!


  1. Your interview was so nice! The practice will serve you well for the future too, when you want to do interviews to publicize your book.

    1. Thank you! I thought it was a really good opportunity for practice.
