How precious are Your thoughts to me, O LORD ... how vast is the sum of them!

Friday, May 9, 2014

22 More Questions

On the day I posted my Sunflower Award, I was nominated for the “Liebster Award” by Rachel H. at CherriesandTrees. (Thank you, Rachel! It was fun to read your answers to the questions you received as well!) With the Liebster Award, basically all you have to do is answer the 11 questions the nominator provided (and nominate 11 others to answer 11 questions you asked … but I already posted my 11 questions on April 29, so I’ll just answer Rachel’s stimulating questions today). 

Here goes:
1. Favorite place to eat?
Home, actually. I have about three favorite restaurants—Panera Bread, Souper! Salad!, and Jason’s Deli, but they all have their drawbacks and I don’t get as much pleasure from their food as I do homemade meals.
2. Do you like Shakespeare? Why or why not?
I do like Shakespeare, for the most part. I haven’t read too many of his works, and the ones I have read went over my head occasionally, but I recognize his genius with words, characters, and storylines. He wrote some very breathtaking lines!
3. Apple or PC?
PC. I’ve never used an Apple, but it scares me because it seems so different from a PC. Once I latch on to one piece of technology I’m loathe to spend the time tying myself in knots trying to learn how something else works.
4. What is one thing you love about yourself?
My red hair. : )
5. What's the craziest thing you've ever eaten?
Rattlesnake. It was pretty much like sausage.
6. What are 3 skills you wish you had? 
Talking with anyone and making them feel valued. 
Drawing realistically with very little effort. 
Writing two novels per year.
7. Favorite movie?
There are a few … I think I’ll go with Fiddler on the Roof.
8. Best winter memory?
I think it must be whenever I was little and it snowed. In Texas, nothing beats waking up when you’re eight years old to the rare sight of a white world! So many novel diversions await you … crunching out footprints in the snow, building snowmen, throwing snowballs at the dogs, marveling over the transformation.
9. Would you go skydiving with me?
Yes, I would, actually. I wouldn’t go alone, but with someone who’s brave enough, I think it’d be really fun! Thanks for inviting me. ; )
10. If you could say 10 words or less to Elvis, what would you say?
I really don’t know what I would say to Elvis. I am only barely acquainted with him. Maybe … um … “Reevaluate your priorities. Life doesn’t last on earth forever.” (That’s what I would say to a lot of people.)
11. What's one of the best things about being alive?  
Having a relationship with the Lord!

And then, out of a suggestion that I provide answers to my own questions that I asked on April 29, here are 11 more:

1. What’s your favorite color and why?
Light blue. It’s calm, dreamy, and cheering in a quiet, gentle way. It’s timeless and never goes out of fashion.
2. What’s your favorite historical time period and why?
I shall go with the English Regency (early 1800s). The dresses were relatively easy and comfortable, things were beginning to improve in society, and politeness and manners were at least supposed to be upheld. They made beautiful houses and products.
3. If you had the choice between being able to read every book you’ve ever wanted to read and going back to any one historical time you wish for as long as you wished, which would you pick?
I knew this would be a hard question; that’s why I asked it! Despite the fun of experiencing every story, real and fictional, I’ve ever wanted to, I would be utterly thrilled to go back in time to … um … wow, I don’t know what to pick! Probably the Regency. Whenever and wherever I’d go, I’d write a book about it while I was there. : )
4. What are three activities that you do just because you love to?
I’ll go beyond the obvious (writing, reading) and say playing piano, making cards, and practicing martial arts techniques.
5. What are your favorite things about each season (assuming you can find something!)?
Winter: no sweltering heat. Spring: flowers! Summer: Camp Yeshua. Fall: the nip in the air that makes me feel fresh and revitalized.
6. What is your favorite genre of movie?
Haha, when I asked this question I didn’t think I’d be answering it … I think I’ll go with epic adventure. But really, my favorite movies run the gamut.
7. What’s your favorite smell?
Vanilla. Different versions of vanilla exist, and they’re not all equal; real vanilla is the best.
8. What was your favorite toy or game as a child?
Don’t laugh – Barbie dolls. My favorites were the kids. There was a sizeable family (seven kids) that had a house which I filled with every miniature I could find. They had all sorts of adventures, modern day to fantasy, and I still remember every doll’s name.
9. Do you like classical music?
Love it. I listen to it all day.
10. What’s your favorite instrument to listen to?
The cello is very nice … but the harp wins out for me.
11. Who’s your favorite Bible character?
Besides Yeshua/Jesus, Esther. I also really like David and Mary, Yeshua’s mother.


  1. Wow, how interesting! I definitely agree with you on light blue--that and grey. I'm really falling in love with those colors this spring. Homemade food also tops everything I've eaten, but I have to admit my surprise at . . . rattlesnake!! Finally, your red hair is darling, and I'm glad to know I have a new skydiving partner. Adventure awaits us!

    1. Recently I've been appreciating gray more, too, especially the bluer shades of it. The rattlesnake makes me cringe now ... but I was probably 9 or 10 and those were my pre-kosher days. : ) That's the only crazy thing I can think of that I've ever eaten ... what about you? (I'm curious, since you asked the question! : ) )
      And yay for skydiving! I was wondering if I would ever find someone willing. : )
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Yay more questions!

    I've recently started going to Panera Bread for writing events--it's a cool place.
    I'm the same about technology... >.>
    I love your red hair too! ^_^
    :O Wowww rattlesnake. I've had several opportunities to do that but have never had a wish too. XD
    Light blue is a good color. *nods* (and in the comments... YES I love grey! :D)
    Regency... makes sense. ;)
    Ooh, vanilla! Yes.
    Harp! I love the sound of harp too! There are SO many good musical instruments!

    Very fun answers once again -- great post. :)

    1. These questionnaires are fun! : )
      It's interesting how places like Panera Bread can acquire the aura of being a good place for writers. It's like Starbucks.
      Yes ... rattlesnake. Definitely not something I'd do again. : )
      The harp was my first love! But it was too expensive a commitment so I took piano lessons instead. I don't regret the piano, but I still think playing the harp would be sooo nice.
      Thanks for commenting!
