How precious are Your thoughts to me, O LORD ... how vast is the sum of them!

Thursday, June 9, 2022

Editing Articles on Tame Your Book

Hey everyone!

One of my favorite websites for writers,, has published two articles I've written on self-editing. Grant Ferguson, the owner and administrator, has tons of great resources for planning, structuring, and writing the novel you've always wanted to write. Below are the links to my articles for May and June, but definitely explore the rest of the website and blog. You'll discover advice and encouragement for all sorts of writing issues, from overcoming resistance, to crafting memorable characters, to fashioning a strong skeleton to support the fleshing-out of your novel. 

All About Action Beats

“Like most words in our final draft, action beats are important to select carefully. A prevalent problem I come across while editing manuscripts is overused action beats… a certain action or two gets stuck in a writer’s brain like gum on a shoe and shows up over and over in a manuscript, with multiple characters with multiple emotions in multiple situations.” Read more...


Break Out of the Mold: Creating Fresh Similes and Metaphors

“In contrast to familiar clichés, unique similes and metaphors help readers see something in a new way. They awaken readers’ imaginations and draw them deeper into the story. They contribute to fiction’s ability to alter the readers’ way of seeing the world and make them experience things they haven’t experienced in real life. In short, they’re integral to powerful storytelling.” Read more...


Tame Your Book!

Write a book readers will love.