How precious are Your thoughts to me, O LORD ... how vast is the sum of them!

Friday, October 4, 2024

Peace, Be Still Cover Reveal



I'm thrilled to be participating in the cover reveal for Virginia Henderson's novel Peace, Be Still. Isn't it beautiful and atmospheric? I love blue-themed winter scenes. Read on to find out more about the book and Virginia herself!



About the Book

True peace doesn't always mean that God calms the storms surrounding us. Sometimes He calms the storms within us.

William insists on taking his family to a cabin in the mountains for Christmas. It is supposed to be a quiet getaway from distracting electronics and civilization, where he and Rachel can finally share their exciting news with their daughter, Peggy.

However, 13-year-old Peggy has other ideas, including flying to California alone to meet her biological father, Ryan. Unfortunately, her trip goes sour, and it might cost her more than she bargained for.

Shady characters, flashy casinos, unexpected friendships, and a lesson in learning who your real family is. This is one Christmas the Hamlets and Hughes will never forget!

A perfect read for the Christmas season! Great for fans of Christ-centered reads that deal with sensitive topics. Clean & Christian romance with a few kisses between married couples. No swearing, smut, or gore. 

Content warnings: Drinking/drunk character, mild physical abuse, gambling, kidnapping, and human trafficking. 

The Abundant Blessings series:
#1- It's Called Grace
#2- A Stolen Heart
#3- Peace, Be Still


Book & Sign-Up Links

Goodreads Link

ARC Review Sign-Ups (Sent out on Oct 15th – Review deadline is preferably Dec 6th)

Launch Tour Sign-Ups (Dec 2nd - Dec 6th)


About the Author

Originally from Ohio, I now reside in Texas with my folks and little sister. I’m a born-again Christian and I want to give all the glory to God. He’s gifted me with this passion for writing and I want to give it back to Him.


I’m a multi-genre author with an interest in suspense, thrillers, and the occasional wholesome Christmas story. Down the road, I would like to try my hand at fairy-tale retellings and historical fiction.


Aside from writing, I’m always reading. I love the classics (Treasure Island and Peter Pan being my top favorites), historical fiction, survival, adventures, fairy-tale retellings, suspense, and all things Newsie-related. That particular time period (turn of the century New York) is one that I find very interesting.


I very much enjoy plays and musicals, embroidery, road trip adventures with the fam, retro arcade games, and board games. I’m also very interested in weaponry (archery, swordsmanship, etc).


Find Virginia in all these places!






