How precious are Your thoughts to me, O LORD ... how vast is the sum of them!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Ah … it feels good to get back to my blog. Friday’s equation was: no time + no ideas + discouragement = no blog post. Besides other business, I have quite a few writing duties on my plate right now (they are all fun, of course -- always are) so, for a while at least, expect posts only on Tuesdays; Fridays will happen if I can make it happen, but I can’t guarantee anything.

So, what am I working on?

  •           Regency research
  •           My novel Six Cousins’ final edit
  •           The ins & outs of self-publishing with CreateSpace
  •           Planning my book’s cover
  •           Personal journaling (very important for writing materials)
  •           Christian Writer’s Guild Apprentice program
  •           Learning about writing for magazines

In addition, I’m always looking for time bubbles in which to work on Adventure in England (the first draft is calling me to return and make it into an improved second draft) and other, newer stories that think they have as much right to my time as my works-in-progress. (I actually long to indulge them, but don’t tell them that!)

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Since this was a shorter blog post than normal, I will leave you with a treat. A few months ago my mom discovered these recordings by Yolanda Mott. They are melodies she wrote for Tolkien’s Middle Earth poetry. They are incredibly beautiful and, I think, perfectly capture the spirit of his work. This young lady -- a homeschool graduate -- sings, plays the cello, and composes. I look forward to when she makes a CD of these songs. Since I haven’t learned how to post videos on here yet, you’ll have to click on this link to go to her website and listen to them (sorry about that). But it is well worth it! It’s enthralling music even if you’re not the greatest Tolkien fan. Let me know what you think! (And if you really like it, be sure to let her know!)


  1. What kind of picture are you envisioning for your cover? Girls walking in a field . . . a shot of a house . . . a close-up of the main heroine's face with her eyes and forehead cut off . . . you know what I mean. :)

    1. To tell you the truth, I've thought of all of those! I think they're all good ideas. : ) I haven't decided for sure, but I'm leaning toward a house with a tree, lawn, and flowers and a girl somewhere in the foreground. But I don't know ... I really should try drawing something out, I guess. It'll probably come down to whatever happens to work. I would be happy with almost any variation of the covers you mentioned.
      Thanks so much for asking!
