How precious are Your thoughts to me, O LORD ... how vast is the sum of them!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I've always wanted to set sail on a ship bound for … somewhere. Not on a steel ocean liner; a real wooden ship with masts, riggings, and sails, dependent on the sea and wind. Lately I haven’t dwelt on what it would be like to live long ago when that was the norm, but time travel would definitely be on my wish list of impossibilities.

That’s one reason I love to write. It makes time travel almost possible. Even more so than reading, I’ve found.

Still, we are always embarking on voyages of some kind, oftentimes into the unknown. This brand-new blog is one of mine. So, let me introduce myself, and then maybe I won’t feel so much in the unknown.

I’m a twenty-one-year-old home school graduate. I love the Lord. I love to study His Word and try to always be seeking ways to serve Him.

I love to write, and I’ve been writing stories almost as long as I could print. I remember printing big capital letters in random order on a notebook page, spelling words that were anything but English. But I think I was imagining things about those letters, that they represented something creative within me. I graduated to stories you could actually read, complete with illustrations. Sometimes the illustrations were the most important part.

My family has always loved books. Even my grandparents were mostly “book people.” Stories have always been a part of my life, and now, with a completed novel, I’m excitedly seeking to become a published author. All in good time!

One thing that I always have to remind myself is that God has a perfect plan for everything. He knows when it’s the best time to do anything and everything.

To those of you who read this, thank you so much for doing so. A writer, to be the most fulfilled, must have readers. I seek to serve you as I embark on this exciting venture of writing for others. I don’t know for sure all the subjects I’ll cover in this blog, but they’ll probably have mostly to do with writing, books, and the Bible. I’d love for these to be conversations, too, so I welcome comments! God bless you!

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